Mandala Rock Painting at Wells, Maine

Well, we all got acquainted with each other learning middle names and how everyone ended up in Maine. “We travel so far to get here”, as Mary Chapin Carpenter sings. So many lives and journeys ending up in the same room, at this particular time, on this particular day to paint rocks. Most of us creatively followed the format while others went their own way. If nothing else, all learned the process of Mandala rock painting. The circle is the center and all comes from the circle. I often think of the ripples that I have made in my life from touching others in one way or another. Then, that person teaches someone else what they have learned. Then, the ripple continues out into the world as they share what they have learned. As Joni Mitchell sang, “We go round and round and round in the circle game.”

Bette Kersting Bell

Francesca Lucia is available for workshops to your special group. Here are some workshops that you may want or contact her with your own idea.

Mandala Rock Painting at Ferry Beach in Saco, Maine


Mandala Rock Painting at Kittery, Maine